Traditional training center courses have a lot of ineffectiveness when participants arrive without preparation. The self-learning period also offer a great opportunity to understand the participant entry level, interests and challenges. This understanding help in...
Company news
Going global – 40 countries
A milestone crossed for our company in multinational participation of trainings. We have now had people from more than 40 countries around world joining in customized hybrid trainings combining self-learning and virtual or F2F workshops.
Case EPC Power customer training
EPC Power selected Marble Hill Partner as the provider for the project to develop new effective hybrid training solution for customer trainings. Project was delivered from March to August in 2022. Project target was set to produce materials and create optimized online...
Clarifying the customer benefits
"Clarified communication of customer benefits" is very common target set by our customers at the start of a sales development project. This sounds quite simple. Yet in many organizations there are variety of opinions among sales and between product management and...
Global training program kick-off
I am honored to lead a new global sales training program kick-off today to drive my customer's #sales growth. Training program goals to support solution portfolio sales:•Increase collaboration•Drive actions•Increase sales leads•Improve hit rate The hybrid...
Working multicultural – 25 countries
A milestone crossed for our company in multinational participation of trainings. We have now had people from 25 countries around Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa joining in customized hybrid trainings combining self-learning and virtual workshops. 94% of latest...
Engaging hybrid training and strategy deployment programs
Need to improve collaboration between front end sales and support team? Want to improve front end skills to sell solutions based on the offering? Eager to develop account management and drive actions? Aim to crystallize value proposition of your offering and create...
5 times more leads from field service!
It is hard to imagine better news from a running coaching program update call with customer. This is what we together been targeting and now we are getting measurable results. Even better is that we have also seen the leads turning to orders for my client. This is...
More and better-quality leads
More and better-quality #leads from field service operation – with proven results Field service is in continuous touch with customers. Very often the skilled engineers working on sites are trusted partners enabling client operation to run smoothly. This...